Friday, January 23, 2009

wait I'm not eating skittles....?

So I think I have my new Blog set up for the time being... There is simply no new news... Since I blogged yesterday.. And I have nothing happening in my life... Well Last night Laura and I bought some ice cream! My favorite EVER!!!! Girl Scout Cookies.. Samoan... I so love it! When Missy, Tess and I lived together we used to by it everyday! OK not everyday.. But we ate it everyday! Then they discontinued it! Cause it was limited time! And So I was very happy to see it yesterday!
Oh yes and other things that I did yesterday... Laura bought herself a new car yesterday!!! Its a yellow geo tracker... Very Laura and Very cute! It also is a stick shift! And Laura doesn't know how to drive one... So I got to teach her how to drive it last night! Since I learned how to drive one in the Netherlands! Yeah! It was fun! I am excited to get to drive it some more!
Yeah and that's about it for me for now! Oh and Tess and I will be announcing the winner of the blogging contest on our other blog soon!!!! So keep your eyes open for it! Now I'm gonna go and try to get some organization happening in my room! Peace out Playas! Oh and let me know what you think about the new blog page!

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